Feb 2, 2011

Edge of the Rope

Aidin and I are emotional creatures. Its something that cannot be helped or changed.

So I've taken a backseat this week on Facebook, both on Ode2DC and my personal page, and watched all of the hatred and negativity floating around, and it makes me sick to my stomach. The arguing takes away from my love of Deadliest Catch, poisons it until it no longer feels the same as it used to.

I do not mind when people express their opinions, in fact, I think that's great. But the name calling, the slurs, and the threats have got to stop. Aidin and I did not create this blog or the FB page to see people get verbally bitch slapped, because it feels like we have also been slapped across the face.

Let me explain that to you:

Most of you are our friends, you've stuck with us for the last 6 months as the FB page has grown and the blog has matured. We know your children's names, you know ours, we know who has been sick, who is feeling better, and we know who likes which boat on Deadliest Catch. Honestly, you have become our family, the only people in the last 6 months that have ever cared about what is going on in our lives.

So when you argue, when you call each other names, its like having my best friends fight, and I'm stuck in the middle. I had to be in that position a lot in middle school and high school and I can tell you that I hated it.

Our personal lives can be Hell at times, as I'm sure most of you can relate to that. Myself, I am going through a nasty divorce, my child is lashing out, and I've been severely depressed for 2 weeks, and I can't shake it. Aidin's son has been sick constantly for the last 3 months, she lost her job, and she herself has been going through some health issues.

Ode2DC's FB page is our haven, or it was. The last 2 weeks have been rough on us, mainly because we do not like making people mad or disappointing anyone. It took a lot for me to cancel Hump Day this week, because I know how much you all love it, but I needed to take a step back, to re-evaluate how I, and Aidin, want the FB page to run.

A lot of people have recommended deleting the offenders. I'm not sure I can do that. It would be like cutting a brother or sister out of your family.

Like I said, we are emotional creatures.

So this is our plea: Please, for the sake of everyone, if you disagree, keep it respectful, and do not continue harping on other people's opinions. Let it go. State your piece, agree or disagree, but then let it go.

And this is our promise to you: If the fighting continues, Aidin and I will start deleting the posts that have negative comments on them, and if that doesn't work, we will block the people who are continuous offenders. I don't particularly want to do that, but to keep the peace, I will.



Unknown said...

Love ya both!

Andrea Rudman said...

H*U*G*S to you both....holding you and yours in love and light...