Mar 23, 2011

Caught in the shower...

So last night I was enjoying myself with a rare Josh dream. Here's the way it went.

Shannon and I were getting ready to go to Astoria but I figured out where Joshed lived and I wanted to shower before meeting him. So i talked Shannon into breaking in his house so i can use his shower.

While I was in there Shannon was looking at baby pictures and trying not to cry with all the Phil pictures around. I, on the other hand, was sitting in the tub thinking I really need to shave. Yep, I took his razor. SO I'm sitting there with his razor and I didnt hear the door open. I did however hear Josh yelling at me for being in his shower.

He scared me so badly I cut myself. So I'm sitting there trying to stay calm while I'm bleeding and trying to get over the fact Josh was staring at me naked.

Now here's where it gets weird: I managed to get Josh out of the bathroom so I can get dressed but I couldnt find my bra or my shirt! I look out the bathroom window and Shannon was talking to Jake and Josh had my stuff in his hand. I grabbed a towel and went outside....OH crap! There was a lot of people outside.

So I carefully walked up to Josh, kicked him, grabbed my clothes, waslked back inside and finished getting dressed.

The last thing I remember of my dream is that The whole time in Astoria Josh refured me to Razor girl. I was not too happy.

So there you have my odd dream of Josh Harris. Hope you enjoyed....or not.



Unknown said...

LMAO You should post it on his wall. I think "Razor Girl" has a nice ring to it. LOL

Margrita said...