
Below are some of my favorite quotes. If you have any to add, please do so in the comment section.

Season 1:

“There are three ways to do things on this boat: the right way, the wrong way, and the Norwegian way.”-Edgar Hansen

“They are about to get schooled by the Bering Sea”-Mike Rowe, narrator

"Any piece of toast you need , I’m here”-Bradford Davis after Edgar gave him a butter knife to use on deck

“The smell is not something you would expect. A couple of times I’ve kind of had to tilt my head to the side, and not blow chunks.” -Bradford Davis

“I would describe the bait boy process as being swallowed by a seagull and having to live inside its stomach for three or four days.”-Eric Abrahamson-greenhorn, Fierce Allegiance

“I hope he’s getting tired. That’s when I start pushing buttons.” -Edgar, about Bradford

“We’re going to rock the crab tonight, I got a feeling.” -Bradford Davis

“I don’t want to fuck anyone up on the last day just because we are racing to get like a three average or something,”-Sig Hansen

“If you were a crab, what would you do, where would you go?” - Joe Berg, Engineer on the Saga

“These men are Alaskan Crab fishermen, and that means never giving up.” - Mike Rowe

“Mom said there would be days like this, I just wish she would have told me how many,” -Matt Bradley

“The crews throw themselves into their work. This is how they mourn.” -Mike Rowe

"Dammed if you do and dammed if you don’t.” -Sig Hansen

“To sum up how this boat has been today, I’d say this boat was on fire!” - Edgar Hansen

“I wish I had someone to snuggle with right now. I just want to spoon.”-Blake Painter

Season 2:

"I'll stick with my Copenhagen."- Norm Hansen after watching Edgar bit the head off a herring

"I really think it bears knowing that anyone never having been in the situation, could never possibly know how bad every fiber of your being is begging you to give up and go to sleep. They are trying to talk you out of life." -Cache Seel, lone survivor of the Big Valley

"Life may suck but the alternative is unacceptable." - Cache Seel

"Suddenly, Nick regrets forgetting an important rule of the sea: On a crab boat, never volunteer for anything." -Mike Rowe

"It ain't crab fishing if something didn't go wrong. If it goes perfectly then you ain't doing something right." -Edgar Hansen

"I would rather see you than Jesus right now!" -Phil Harris to his mechanic Norm

"We're a lot faster and better looking than he is." -Phil Harris about Rick Quashnick and the Maverick

"I feel like a one legged man in an ass kicking contest."- Phil Harris

"It ain't pretty but neither was my high school report card." -Sig Hansen

"Retaliation, Cornelia Marie Style." - Phil Harris

"Like being in jail, with a chance of drowning." - Andy Hillstrand

"At a certain point, every crabber has a decision to make: laugh, cry, or go postal." -Mike Rowe about Mike Fourtner shooting a tote with a rifle

"Fisherman's gotta do what a fisherman's gotta do."- Edgar Hansen

"Psycho Sig is on the rampage again."- Edgar Hansen

"I haven't changed my underwear since I left Seattle." - Matt Bradley

"Screwed, blued, and tattooed." -Phil Harris

"One string does not a trip make." -Sig Hansen

"Now you know why lions eat their young." -Phil Harris

Season 3:

"It only takes one bad wave to ruin your day." - Keith Colburn. Ironic, right?

"Today, the Time Bandit pulled something from the sea more precious than crab, and Captain Johnathan has finally settled a debt to the ghosts of his past." - Mike Rowe

"You ain't a man until you've pulled a tooth out with a pair of pliers." - Phil Harris

"You have to wonder who we pissed off to get stuck with three Harris's." -Dave Millman

"You gotta pick and choose your battles, and right now, I think I'd be on the losing end." -Josh Harris while watching Jake get piled on by the Cornelia Marie crew

"Sig has a tradition for greeting greenhorns: he doesn't." - Mike Rowe

"You're a hottie with a naughty body." - Jake Harris to Phil Harris after he shaved

"Its like taking your kids down at 11 o'clock at night and giving them a couple of flashlights and telling them to go play in the middle of the freeway" -Phil Harris

"This has to be up there, high on the list, of stupid shit you can do." -Shea Long, deckhand onboard the Time Bandit

"To fill Nick's spot, Monty hits the Dutch Harbor Unemployment Office, better known as the Unisea bar." -Mike Rowe

"The skipper is nothing but a deckhand with no brains." -Russell Newberry

"Everyone wants the big time, they just don't wanna work for it." -Phil Harris

"They say Hell is fire, it's frickin Bering Sea."- Jake Anderson

"If this pot was a restaurant there would be a waiting list to get in."- James Frederic, deckhand on the Farwest Leader

"This is better than sex! Nah, let's not get carried away, it's the same as sex!" -James Frederic

"All the older people watching right now should start making love because they could finish that up by the time he hooks the damn thing."- Phil Harris about Josh throwing the hook for the first time

"The jacket doesn't make you a man. It does make you cool."- Sig Hansen to Jake Anderson

Season 4:

"Now you know why lions eat their young." -Phil Harris

"We roll with God, man." -Edgar Hansen, after finding an image of Jesus in the rust on the block

"A little luck never hurt any fisherman, that's all I know." -Sig Hansen

"Misery is part of the job." -Monte Colburn

"I've never caught a truck before." -Phil Harris

"I know what fine means: Fucked Up, Insecure, Neurotic, and Emotional. That's fine to me." -Josh Harris to Phil Harris

"We're going to go get a little crabby." -Jake Harris

Season 5:

"I either like it, love it, or fly the fuck out of here." -Russell Newberry

"Don't expect much and you never get let down." -Johnathan Hillstrand

"It's not so bad if it kills one of us, but it killed a bunch of crab too. That's the sad part." -Edgar Hansen when a pot came off the launcher

"We're replaceable. The crab, man, that's irreplaceable." -Matt Bradley

"Nothing can bring this crew down. Except maybe Jake." - Matt Bradley while Jake is trying to learn the hydros

"Catastrophically disastrous." -Mike Fourtner

"As the block turns, so are the days of your lives." -Johnathan Hillstrand

"Popping his ice cherry." -Edgar Hansen about Jake Anderson throwing his first ice hook

"Haul 'til we fall." -Harry Lewis

"There are no days off in crabbing." Nick Mavar

"Rabid crab." -Travis Lofland

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Not sure the season but "If the boat was on fire would you stop to light a cigarette before putting it out?" Sig Hansen
Did he REALLY expect an answer or was that a rhetorical question??