May 26, 2011

Happy Birthday to Us!!!

Its here! One year ago today Aidin and I started this blog. Wow this thing has become a beast! So I thought to myself, since this past year has been so amazing, why not take a look back to see how far we've come? Everyone! To the Time Machine!

(pardon my lameless, I'm on day 3 of little to no sleep. ha.)

My very first post, where I promptly became a liar. Good Times.

My Intentions

Yeah, I'm sure I promised that this blog wouldn't be a squealing fangirly mess, but alas, Hump Days have dominated our blog.

Ah, yes, the burning questions I find myself asking:

How Green Are You?

Woot! Our first meet and greet!

Three Men and Pincher's Crabs

Was it Chevy that had the theme some "Like a Rock"? Man I need to start reading Car and Driver magazine.

Back Up, It's Always A Good Idea

Once upon a time, I wrote a letter to the captains and crews, and I cried while writing it. Because I'm lame. I already told you this.

A Letter of Farewell

Oh yeah, the time Aidin and I tried to be ninjas and Edgar caught us!

This Ain't No BullShit

This was a nightmare. No really. It was horrible.

Something is Extremely Wrong Here

Wow its been a crazy year. What was your favoriate Ode2DC moment?

Thank you to everyone for your love and support! Hope to see you around!


May 25, 2011

What Day Is It?

This Hump Day is a tad bit different...but not much. Instead of posting a picture here, follow this link:!/photo.php?fbid=1946095941304&set=o.114557221915191&type=1&theater

I didn't have time to ask Shayne for permission to use this picture of Jake Jolibois from the F/V Kodiak here on the blog, I decided just to link it because I LOVE this picture.

I mean honestly, how adorable is this picture? I just want to scoop Jake and his mom Colleen into a big hug!

Happy Hump Day!


May 22, 2011

Ebay Auction Items

So far we're doing really good on raising money for CFF. I'll give you the grand total when the auction ends. So I figured instead of posting ever link to every item all the time on facebook; I'd do it on here to make it easier.

First item.

Item 2:

Item 3:

These items have until May 27th then they will be sold. But dont worry I have plans for another auction with other items for sale. just keep in touch.


May 18, 2011

Missing on Deadliest Catch: F/V Northwestern

I don't actually mind how Discovery has Season 7 set up with certain boats every episode, but of course I missed seeing the Northwestern. So to keep that amazing boat in mind, I chose Mr. Sig Hansen for today's Hump Day pic.

I prefer my Sig with facial hair, like when he's been up for three days with no sleep, but alas, I couldn't find such a picture on such short notice. (I literally remember Hump Day was today like five minutes ago. Crisis averted!)


(May I make a note here? I was actually going to choose Adam from the Kodiak for today's pic, but after how he acted on yesterday's episode, I changed my mind.)

May 16, 2011

An Auction for CFF

Ok so a few days ago I woke up with this idea. I ran it by Shannon and we had to get confirmation from CFF officals before we could talk to you about this.

So here I go. I woke up thinking it would be really cool if we did a massive auction for CFF. Shannon and I would pick a shirt for our shoppe and then have everyone on our Odeto DeadliestCatch FaceBook Fan page bid on it with ALL proceeds going to CFF to help them.

I figured since a lot of us are going to CFF in September it would be nice to do something for them. The shirt has not been picked yet. The three I've been thinking of doing is either "This is bad. This is bad bad" The circle Bad Juju or Bering Sea Prison.

This is how it will work. I will figure out a way to do an auction (probably do something on ebay) and you guys bid on the shirt. Yes I'm aware that you might be paying more for the shirt then it's worth but I'm hoping because this money isn't going to Shannon or myself you guys would help out CFF and possible help make it worth while.

I also figured that if anyone has questions; like if this is real and if the money will really be going to CFF then please feel free to ask Ron Williams aka Dungeness Ron on FB. Right now we're in the talking stage on how to do this. I would really like everyone to help and join a good cause.

Thanks. Please let me know what you think.

May 11, 2011

Some Things Just Can't be Replaced

I missed seeing the Cornelia Marie on Deadliest Catch last night, so I decided to have Josh Harris be our Hump Day picture today. Its been awhile since we've seen his sch-mexy face on here....
I just went dumb, gimme a second......


May 4, 2011


Does anyone still do that when they have to spell out Wednesday? Sound it out? Kinda a weird word right?

Oh, that's not why you are here? You want a Hump Day picture? Well fine then, how about TWO?!

Hmm yummy. Who doesn't love them some Jake Anderson? I swear to you, its the eyes!

I'm gonna miss you all while I am gone, but don't feel too bad for me, I'll be in Daytona Beach hanging out with some pretty awesome ladies, eating, drinking, and a little bit of learning. Love you!!!
