Jan 31, 2011

I've entered the Twilight Zone

So a little bit back Shannon told a dream about her battle on the Cornelia Marie. I dont have a dream, I have a story. This is gonna be cut down so not to bore you but I'm sure you will find it funny.

Here we go:

Im gonna start this story at Astoria. I was looking for some more beer for the front of the store. Shannon and I owned and ran a local pub named "Crab Shack". We knew that the big fishing festival was coming up that weekend and we had more then enough alcohol to suit the fisherman and their guests.

So we were already getting fishermen coming in. John and Andy Hillstrand. Sig and Edgar Hansen. Also some of the younger crew members, Josh and Jake Harris, Jake Anderson, Lynn Guitard to name a few. Shannon was manning the bar while I was waiting tables. I've learned early on that when a drunken seaman flirts with you just roll your eyes and walk away but if he got too frisky we call on Joe, the bouncer.

It was Friday night and most of the outsiders were around. Ordered themselves beers and spacial drinks while some of them tackled the karaoke machine. One of many things Shannon wished we never got. Among those outsiders were friends we met through our FaceBook page. They all got one round of drinks on the house.(YEAH!) The crab fishermen walked in and I knew it was gonna be a long night with great tips. I walked over to help Shannon with orders but they never seemed to stop. Gotta love days like that.

On Saturday we opened late, we knew a lot of people were gonna be at the fishing festival. We had a special machine brought in to be placed outside...a dunk booth. The specail was whomever could dunk a Deadliest Catch crew member got a free drink. The crew got a free drink every time someone didnt knock them down. We were prepared to give out lots of free drinks. Sure enough the crew got more free drinks then anyone else.

Sunday we were asked to serve drinks at the fishing festival. Not gonna turn down this offer people. By the end of the day we made a good profit. We went back to our pub and served more drinks to whomever was still around. The karaoke machine was used again and Shannon and I had a few drinks to tune them out. Shannon made a round of duck farts for everyone in memory of Captain Phil.

Needless to say, it was one hell of a weekend!

Jan 26, 2011


No words are needed for this week's Hump Day

Happy Hump Day everyone!


Jan 21, 2011

Something Is Extremely Wrong Here

Aidin and I have vivid dreams. We usually spend our weekends exchanging funny stories about the dreams that we had lately. So since this one is so fresh in my mind, I thought I would share it with you:

I was a greenhorn set to work aboard the Cornelia Marie, and Steve Ward picked me up at the airport. He didn’t talk much, and hardly looked at me except to snort and say, “Those ain’t gonna work.”

He was referring to my blue jeans and boots. Now when I say boots, I don’t mean cowboy boots, or rain boots. I mean girly boots with a thick wedge heel. A few of you saw the picture of the high heels I bought, I’m actually wearing my boots in that picture, just look down.

Boots...no not those! Attached to the jeans. Yes, those boots.
Anyway, my boots are not the point of this story, no matter how much I love them. He dropped me off at the small store in Dutch and told me he would send someone along to pick me up in an hour. I’m not a shopper, I hate shopping, so I was done in 10 minutes, my arms full of rain gear and sweatshirts.

I wasted time talking to the local people, trying to get comfortable, when Josh and Jake Harris walked through the door and herded me outside to the truck. Again, they didn’t say much. I assume they didn’t enjoy the fact a female would be onboard.

Once we got down to the dock, we had to walk down to the end to get to the boat itself. But it wasn’t the Cornelia Marie we all know and love. It was so bizarre. I watched Jake and Josh hop down to the deck and walk across it like nothing was wrong. But trust me, it was wrong.

Wheelhouse? Gone. Pot lauchner? Gone. Sodium Lights? Gone. Shelter deck? Gone.
There was no wheelhouse. None at all. As far as I could tell, there was no galley or anything. The deck was smooth from bow to stern, no shelter deck either in the bow. The other bizarre sighting? No pot launcher. Only the crane was visible as I finally shook my self out of my daze and got onboard.

I stood in the middle of the deck trying to wrap my brain around what I was seeing when Ryan walked up and took my duffel bag for me. “Where are we sleeping?” I asked.

“Over here.”

He led me over to where the wheelhouse would have been, and a small canopy had been rigged to keep a small amount of the rain and waves off of us. In all honesty, it was useless. I remember looking up and thinking, “How do you steer this thing?!”

“How do we launch the pots?” I questioned.

Jake appeared at my side and motioned with his hand to where the pot launcher should have been. A 10 foot hole appeared to have been cut out of the side of the boat. “We push them off. Haven’t you ever done this before?”

“Greenhorn,” I muttered as a reminder. “I don’t see any bins. How do we get the crab into the holds?”

Jake gave me an odd look. “We carry them.”

“We carry snapping, pissed off crab?”

He nodded.

“Great, the Cornelia Marie, catching crabs the hard way.”

And then I promptly got woken up by my son asking for something to drink at 3:30am. Thank god too, because I didn't see any sodium lights and I couldn't figure out how we were going to push pots off the side of the boat and not get caught in the line.

Strange huh? This happens to me often. If you ever have a Deadliest Catch dream, please share it with us!
Happy Friday everyone, its finally here! I don't know about the rest of you, but it felt like this one week was 2 weeks.

Jan 19, 2011

Is it Friday Yet?

Damn, no it isn't, but it is Hump Day!

Well hello Mr. Lofland. Love those eyes!


Jan 12, 2011

The Return of Hump Day!

For the Ladies:

For the Guys:

See? I have everyone's best intentions at heart.



Jan 8, 2011

Giveaway Winners Announced!

P.S. Please contact us ASAP if you won a shirt in the giveaway. If we don't hear from you in a couple of weeks, you forfeit your shirt and we will redraw for a new winner.


Jan 3, 2011

Fun with Pictures

Hehehe..Hello everyone. This is Aidin and I wanted to share a special picture of our Josh and Jake. If you've noticed I've been playing around on LunaPic and making lots of pictures of everyone. I could have showed this picture on facebook but then I thought "What the heck, why not play with it on the blog?" I mean come on...9 pictures (true they are colored and stuff) but it's still fun to look them 9 times. So here we go:

Jake: Hey Josh, you feel funny?
Josh: What do you mean?
Jake: I dont know. I feel like I have a split personality.
Josh: You need to stick to personality. I can't handle more then that.
Jake: Nah, I mean, I feel like I'm being watched and split up. I think i need help.
Josh whispers: You got that right.
Jake: What?
Josh: Nothing man.