Aug 25, 2010

Mug shots? Joking I hope.

I was bored and thought about looking through many different search engines for pictures I may not have yet or haven't seen. I came across these pictures and I can tell it's a joke thing because in real arrests they make you take your hat off. Now remember 2 things. I'm 5'5" and Shannon is 5'3".

Josh here is 6' even....thats 7inches more then me....I come to his nose. Which is ok because it means when I wear heals he's still taller then me. With Shannon he's got 9 inches over her.
Jake is 5'7" which means he's got about 4 inches on Shannon and only 2inches on me. I actually laugh when I see the height difference in Jake and Josh when they fight because Jake is so much shorter then him but then again he could also be a bada** fighter so it may not make a difference at all.

I love sharing pictures with you. I also like to throw in things other then articles we seem to write about things.
I also wanna point out this is a mix blog. We will state things that we believe is needy of being exposed as well as joke around and just mess with the blog.

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