Sep 19, 2010

Whats the difference?

Hello everyone, It's Aidin, I know I haven't written anything in a while but I've had a lot going on. So moving right ahead with this I wanted to let you know how this came about. Shannon asked me if I had any new blog ideas and neither of us had any, but I was in my car on my way out of town and I thought, "How far is too far for us on our DC stalking?" Well we could never, never know too much about them but that question went into "What's the difference between Deadliest Catch fans and fans of say Actors and Singers or Athletes?" Well that started up a mind-blow line of questions in my head and I asked the fans on our Deadliest Catch Facebook page to help answer it.

The conversation went on between mostly myself, Mechelle Ward Giard, Pamela Austad, and Shannon.

Here's some of what was said:

Mechelle Ward Girard: From what I have seen at concerts vs. DC events: DC fans are more relaxed, mellow, and have patience to wait in line to meet them, where as singers/actors, everyone is screaming their name, pushing to get in line, etc. etc. Also, it seems from what I have seen posted on sites, articles, etc. the memory of Capt. Phil will not soon be forgotten by fans any time soon, where it seems that actors/singers are not kept in remembrance that much -- if all this makes sense.

Shannon Dyal: I agree. It seems that we tend to think our captains and deckhands are one in a million, so we treat them that way. Movies stars are a dime a dozen, one always replaces another, always another rising star.

Pamela Austad: we are more respectful of their families/wives and we respect their right to privacy. we also know the difference between truth and lies,and are willing to defend the truth or at least post the truth.we are not crazy and these men are NOT a FAD that will pass we love them FOREVER!

That's how we are. We love that they are such hard workers that are willing to risk their lives to make an honest dollar. They seem more real to us because they don't make themselves seem better then us. They are respected by us and their fellow fishermen. Sure some of them are kinda cute and easy on the eyes but in some ways they bring us together.

I.E. Shannon asked if anyone was willing to put us up for the weekend so we can go to the Fishermen's Festival next year and Joan Bowhill offered as long as one of us helped clean the litter box. Heck I'm willing to cook her dinner and Shannon is willing to wash dishes. It was a great offer.

Sure these guys are out to sea 10 months out of the year and are away from family and friends a lot. Sure they party hard and sometimes work for almost nothing but it's the simple fact that we respect them as they are and what they do; not so much for us because Shannon and I hate crab; but they do what they love.

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