Jun 15, 2010

After It All...

Sorry for my absence. I just moved this past weekend and the last week of my life has gotten extremely hectic.

So for news...

The Northwestern's Twitter has been blowing up the last couple of days. Go by the website, great new videos are posted.

Tonight is an all new episode. From the previews, I'm going to start crying real soon.


"A Coast Guard helicopter attempts a rescue in dangerous sea. The deck of the
Time Bandit becomes a deadly gauntlet of heavy, falling ice chunks while on the
Cornelia Marie, the skipper's son reveals a dark secret."

Time to sepculate. Is it Jake or Josh who has the secret? How dark do you think it's going to be? It could be anything from Jake not wanting to be on the CM anymore (he has said it before), to Josh revealing more of his past. Let me know what you think!

Also, After the Catch premires *happy dance!* afterwards. Tonight Episode is dedicated to the Time Bandit, which should be a blasty blast. Those boys know how to party, but can also buckle down and be serious if the situation warrents it.

"This hour focuses on the F/V Time Bandit and her salty crew. They tell it all,
from John and Keith's fight to who will take over the helm of this
legendary crab boat."

And can I just say how glad I am the Mike Rowe is back hosting After the Catch? Ben was great, but I think Mike has a better relationship with the captains and the crew.

Go catch some Crab!

1 comment:

White Puerto Rican said...

One can hope that whatever is mentioned the dark secert isnt something too bad. Nevertheless, whatever happens I will still love the show and continue to watch Jake and Josh fight over almost everything. *crossing fingers* I cant wait.